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Next Gen ConsolesWith the next generation of gaming consoles still in production, many gamers have been voicing their opinions as to what they are looking for when it comes to features in a new video game system. David Wong and Haimoimoi are such gamers voicing their opinions. They make 20 requests from the video game industry ranging from a better A.I. to telling us the truth when it comes to in game footage. Makes for an interesting read, however, what do you want to see changed or added to the next generation in gaming?

(Thanks Kidd!)

Read More | A Gamer’s Manifesto


Half-Life 2There’s one more notch on EA’s belt now that Valve has signed an agreement with EA to allow the company to deliver its award wining games to its gaming audience. This means that EA will be publishing and distributing the Half-Life 2 version for the Xbox later this year, Half-Life 2: Game of the Year and Counter-Strike: Source for PC. Valve will still be selling online versions of their games via their website – SteamPowered.com. Is EA trying to take over the gaming world or do they just want a piece of the pie that is Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike?

Read More | TeamXbox

Resident Evil 5According to details uncovered from scans of an official announcement, Resident Evil 5 will be coming to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.  Overseeing the project will be Street Fighter and Onimusha series veteran producer Jun Takeuchi.  While details and speculation are already pointing toward issues of main character (Chris Redfield of RE1) and atmosphere (brighter), the biggest surprise is in what is NOT being discussed ? namely, Nintendo.  Even with strong sales of Resident Evil 4 during the period of exclusivity for Nintendo?s Gamecube, there seems to be no intention by Capcom to bring the next installment of the franchise to the Big N.  Strange, really, if you consider what some see as a strong connection between Nintendo and the waking dead.

Read More | 1Up

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Project Gotham Racing 3Project Gotham Racing 3 is one of the most highly anticipated next gen game that has sparked up its fair share of controversy. Aside from the E3 trailer and the short clip we saw when the Xbox 360 was unveiled on MTV, Gamespot has a great teaser trailer on this upcoming game. Of course, this game is not done yet so don’t expect these images to be from actual game play. Just remember not to blink, or else you’ll miss this “high speed trailer”.

Read More | Gamespot

Xbox 360

Now this is just off the hook. This kid’s stepdad is Microsoft’s Regulatory Compliance Manager, and brought home an Xbox 360 test unit for some reason or another. Obviously wanting to prove to his friends that he really was 733t, he invited them over for a game of Halo 2. They took some images and posted them to the internet. I bet that Daddy is now in a world of trouble with his employer. One thing to note, the kid says that the 360 has an external power supply, and that it is a monster.

Read More | 360Hacker

Come On Everybody

The official site of the first next generation gaming console to hit the store shelves has been updated and includes new videos and content. One of those videos worth noting is a commercial type video where a variety of people start visiting a guy after he turns his Xbox 360 on. The song in the background shouts, “Come on everybody!” as more and more people enter the room appearing to be from all over the world. Could this be the catch phrase that replaces the current “It’s good to play together”? Also something very cool on the site is the ability for you to “preview” the media guide. We have read all about this media experience, but to actually see it in action is a lot better than reading about it. I for one cannot wait until this box is sitting next to my television.

Read More | Xbox 360 Official Site

Marvel Super HeroesMicrosoft has landed a licensing agreement with Marvel to develop a Massively Multiplayer Online Game using its 5,000 plus characters. Seems that Microsoft really wants to take advantage of the fact that MMOGs are becoming ever so popular with the decreasing price of Broadband connections and community feel of this game type. This will be interesting to see how they incorporate this type of games for the Xbox 360 and just how popular they will be. Check out the full press release after the jump.

Click to continue reading Marvel And Microsoft Team Up On MMOG

Black Xbox 360 Mockup

Posted by Sparky Categories: Xbox 360,

Black Xbox 360All of the audio/video fanatics out there can calm down - it looks like the Xbox 360 will possibly be available in both white and black. I know a lot of people were a little put off by the idea that the console would not fit in with most high end audio/visual equipment which is almost always black. Luckily this photo found on Joystiq helps dissuade our fears and gives hope that Microsoft will release the console in a more professional looking color.

Then again, being that this is a mock-up, you may just have to settle for a black faceplate.

Xbox 360 Marketplace Dashboard

If you’re interested in the Xbox 360 (and if you’re not, you’re on the wrong frickin’ site), be sure to get yourself over to the Windows SuperSite, where Microsoft journalist Paul Thurrot has been compiling some very in-depth information on the Xbox 360, including a two-part interview with Microsoft’s Jeff Henshaw where the veil is pulled back in just about every possible way. Specifically, you’ll get a detailed look at the Xbox 360 dashboard, the way the “blades” work when you’re playing a game, the media features and more.  It’s the most thorough look at the Xbox 360 yet.

Read More | SuperSite for Windows

Xbox 360

AnandTech has a thorough analysis of the CPU performance of both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles, including some choice information from confidential developer sources.  The verdict?  Looks like the CPUs in these two upcoming game consoles are severely hamstringed by a deeply pipelined CPU architecture and poor branch prediction.

Xbox 360’s CPU uses three custom-designed IBM PowerPC cores.  While the PlayStation 3’s “Cell” processor only uses one of these same cores, the rest of the chip is dedicated to an array of SPE units that end up being fairly useless in practice.  Of the two, apparently the developers are finding the Xbox 360’s Xenon CPU the more useful of the two.  The real killer comes on page four of the analysis, when the revelation comes that if either console maker had used an Athlon X2 or Pentium D CPU, they’d have far better performance.

The saving grace in both cases are the rocket-fast GPUs, which will allow the games to look fantastic, and that’s all most gamers will end up caring about once the console is hooked up to their computer monitor or high-def TV.  But it appears that any advances in physics or AI will be delayed for another console generation.

Read More | AnandTech*

*AnandTech has pulled the article sourced here from their website due to concerns that it may have compromised one of their confidential sources.
